Saturday, February 28, 2009

RSV - Respiratory Syncyntial Virus

This has been some week! I noticed Josiah developing a cough about Sunday a week ago, but it was very light and not very often. By Monday, I knew it...he was sick. The poor kids I babysit had the same coughing and runny noses so it was hard to escape. Monday night I noticed Bethany feeling uncomfomfortable and kind of fidgety - yes, I know, she is a baby and that is the way they are, but something told me to put her in the bed with me that night just in case she was sick too. That is when I heard the coughing. Bethany started coughing and it sounded like a pack of dogs barking. Tuesday morning, we took the kids in for a sick visit with the DR. Josiah was given and antibiotic for a severe sinus and respiratory infection, and they swabbed Bethany's nose to test for RSV. I had never heard of RSV until this year, or maybe the very end of last year. I have learned a lot of things, such as RSV usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms, like a runny nose and fever. However, in infants, particularly those under 3 months or preemies, the symptoms can get dramatically worse. We were told that we did the right thing bringing them in, and that there was nothing that could be given to make the RSV better for Bethany because it is a virus and it just has to run it's course. We were told to look for a few things and if we noticed any persistent coughing, wheezing, rapid breathing, grunting and gasping for air, or blue color around the lips and mouth that we were to contact them immediately or go to the ER. Well, Wednesday morning came around. Josiah had a 103.4 temp and was begging to go outside and play and was very disappointed when "No" was the consistent answer. He then began to lie around a little more, one time he got a book, laid down on the sofa to "read it" and I heard him talking to himself: "No outside. I sick!". Bethany on the other hand seemed much worse to me as far as her coughing. She was coughing, gagging and choking so hard that I could not get her to nurse. When nursing failed, I tried a bottle of formula. When that failed, she was peaceful, so I let her sleep and was determined to keep trying to get some fluids in her every couple of hours. Wednesday night was rough. Poor Danny, who works over night hadn't had any sleep, and Wednesdays are his night off, so he crashed. I laid there with Bethany beside us in the bed coughing and gagging terribly. I knew the coughing was good for her because it meant that the junk was clearing out of her lungs, but when she was not coughing, she was incredibly lethargic and at one point went about 12 hours without even opening her eyes. Her cries were pathetic little kitten mews, so I knew she felt terrible. On top of all of this, did I tell you I was incredibly sick at this point? Yeah, momma got it too! Well, Thursday morning was kind of a blur and I can't remember exactly what was happening, but we called the nurse and she told us to go to the ER to have Bethany seen. I know she had a fever, slightly, but I can't remember what it was about her breathing that made us concerned. Can you say lack of sleep??? We went in to the ER and they saw her immediately and pretty soon thereafter gave her a breathing treatment. Bethany nursed great in the hospital, two or three times in fact, then by the time we left, she was smiling and cooing! I told one of the ER nurses that Bethany was high maintenance and wanted to make sure we were spending money on her [well, it seemed funny at the time...remember: lack of sleep!]. We went back home and crashed! Bethany was well through the rest of the day and slept all night. Friday morning, Bethany wouldn't nurse again and was very congested. We held the poor thing down and suctioned out her nose and got her good nad mad, but she still wouldn't nurse. Danny got her to drinking from her bottle, so I was getting dressed and ready to go to the DR for myself. I was sooo sick and only got about 2 hours of sleep the night before. When I got out of the shower, I heard Danny kind of freaking out, heard Bethany gagging and choking with that cough, and I went into our room and Bethany had vomited up some of what she ate. After Danny got that cleaned up, I could hear Bethany wheezing. I asked Danny to make sure that is what I was hearing and he said he heard it to. Something in me made me take off her clothes so I could see her breathing. I got her PJ's and onsie off and was watching her. Now, it is normal for a baby to retract just a little bit when they breathe, and I know what normal looks like and what I was seeing was not "normal". She was retracting greatly, with every rapid breath, her belly ballooned out and I could see all of her ribs. She was grunting just a little with every breath too. I called the DR and spoke with the nurse and told her what was happening. They said they could see us for a "sick appt" at 4pm...what? are you kidding me? I couldn't let this go on for hours and asked her what I needed to do immediately. She told me to go in the bathroom and close the door and turn the shower on as hot as it would go and to lay Bethany on a towel on the floor to see if the steam would help her breathe better and then to call them back. In the meantime, I called my cousin and my aunt and told them what was happening [they are both nurse midwives] and asked for their advice, which was to go back to the ER. We did that, I was met immediately with someone at the ER room who could tell Bethany was struggling to breathe and so she took her back to triage while I checked in. When I got back to where Bethany was, they were already giving her a breathing treatment to see if that would help. We were put in an emer room and waited to be seen by the DR. Bethany had calmed down greatly by this time. Her breathing is always better if I can just keep her calm. Once she gets to crying and coughing, that is all she wrote! So, Bethany nursed again, but was still pretty lethargic and incredibly pale. She slept on and off, was given another breathing treatment. Her pulse/oxygen level was 100% so she did not need oxygen they said. With just some rest and the breathing treatment, Bethany was breathing so much better, but she was still retracting in her chest much more than normal. They finally decided to admit her overnight more for observation than anything else. Since she was admitted Friday night until Saturday morning, she was doing real well. She was alert, smiling and cooing at us all, eating well and her coughing was not quite so bad. They finally released us today around 2pm. I stayed with Bethany through the night so by the time we got home, I was going on about 32 hours of no sleep. I slept for about 4 hours, then it was Danny's turn to sleep because he had to go back to work tonight. I took Bethany down into the basement where she slept almost the entire rest of the evening, and so did mommy. Shhh! Don't tell anyone, but I am about to go back to bed...still haven't caught up!!!

Anyway, this is what we have been up to the last week or so. Grand, huh? I am so thankful that Bethany is so much better. I am so thankful to have friends and family praying for us and for Bethany and Josiah to get better. I truly believe we are on the mend. One thing I feel really compelled to say is this: If you are sick, with just a common cold, or a cough, PLEASE stay home and away from other people! A common cold in an adult can turn into life-threatening RSV for infants. Also, in the winter, wash your hands often and thoroughly! You should wash your hands often and with hot water and soap. You should wash long enough to sing the song "Happy Birthday" twice. Teach your kids to wash their hands often and thoroughly Poor Danny, I know he thinks I am on his case, but I will tell you like I tell him - even if your kids are acting fine, but you know they are sick, they need to stay indoors, away from other people, especially senior citizens and infants. They shouldn't go play at the park, they shouldn't go with you to the store, but they should stay inside and recuperate. Surely you can find something indoors that is fun for you and your kids and a way to pass the time until they are over their illness and ready to be among the living again.

Stay happy and stay well!


Kathy said...

Oh, how awful! I'm so glad she's doing better! Maybe the doc can write a prescription for a breathing machine and/or medication so you can do an at-home breathing treatment.

Christiana said...

Wow, what a rough time you had. I'm so glad she's doing better now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kathy! The DR did send us home with a nebulizer and albuterol for breathing treatments when she gets really bad. I have only had to use it twice today after she had two really bad coughing spells. Thankfully, she has seemingly had no more breathing problems since we have left the hospital. I am so thankful she is much better. It was so hard watching her fight for a breath!