Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Day at The Hodges

So, I finally moved into my part time position at my current job, and for some reason it seems like I even have less time than when I was working full time for 10 weeks! This is why I haven't been blogging for a while! Since my last post a lot has happened. I have fell more and more in love with my husband, my son and my daughter. I have also loved spending more time with them even though most of my days seem hurried and worried. Here are some updates on everyone:

- potty time is getting better; he is still not potty trained, but he wears underwear during the day and pullups at nap and night time; he still won't tell me when he *needs* to go potty, but maybe that will come soon
- I have put up a potty time sticker chart where Josiah gets to pick a sticker and put it up and every five that he puts up, Josiah gets a treat - we'll see how this goes!
- Josiah has decided recently that nap time is a thing of his past, but mommy and daddy will fight this one for all it's worth! He has been getting in a lot of trouble for getting out of bed in the middle of nap time and when he gets up in the morning and when he goes to bed at night...
- he is learning so many new words and things and phrases; he is learning to pretend and this is so much fun to watch also! He will watch a movie or a TV show, then he will play with these toys and start calling them by the names on the TV shows. For instance, all of his horses names are "strawberry" in honor of Elmo's Wild Wild West. He also has a donkey he officially has named "Wild Wild West" and some of his farm animals he has named "Pecos Bill".
- Josiah loves Bethany with all of his heart and is really enjoying playing with her lately. He will crawl on the floor with her and say "Come on, Bet-Bet, let's go!". He also kisses and hugs her many times throughout the day.

- she is finally crawling! For two months she would get up on her arms and legs and rock back and forth, but now she is finally on the go
- she is out human vacuum cleaner! No, seriously!!! I never had this problem with Josiah. He never put things in his mouth! Bethany will put anything in her mouth, especially if it is paper. She LOVES paper! I had to call the gas company and ask for another bill because SHE ATE IT!
- She babbles all of the time now about "MA-MA-MA-MA" and "BA-BA-BA-BA". She has also begun to grunt at me when she is frustrated or not getting her way, so a little thump on the hand and a "no-no" has been assisting me in changing her little attitude.
- she is always so happy. She wakes up in a good mood and hardly ever seems to be upset. She loves playing with Josiah and LOVES to pull his curly head of hair...she LOVES it, I tell you!

This past Saturday, we had the first official Happy Day at the Hodges. A lot of party decor and things were being thrown away at work but I instead brought them home with me. I put up streamers and ballons in the doorways and we dedicated the day to being "HAPPY". Josiah came downstairs and saw the streamers and went crazy. He loved walking through them at the doorway and would run through and say "It's a Happy Day!". We also made a picture and he wanted to give it to his Meemaw [Danny's mom] and we made a card for cousin Bailey [I am feeling so bad because I can not find it now!] and we made some music makers - two paper plates glued together with dried beans inside. We danced around the living room and made ourselves look silly, but we had fun doing it!

This next week I am officially dedicating to TV Free activities. The TV being on has been too much a part of my day and the kids day. WE are going without the TV this week!!!

Well, I really am falling asleep at the computer here and I think I will call it a night!

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