Thursday, March 25, 2010

The phone call I will miss...

About this time every year I get a phone call. It is a sweet and funny call and it usually starts off with a song and ends up with some fussing and play arguing on the part of the callers, which always makes me laugh. I have been thinking all day about the phone call I would have had tomorrow. The one where mom and dad call and sing to me to wish me a happy birthday. I have had a rough day today thinking about dad and how he isn't here to call me for my birthday this year. This is the most of several "firsts" we will go through this year. For some reason, it has made me weepy and sad all day and I have had a hard time shaking these feelings. I know it is normal, I just don't like feeling this depressed. Music has been good therapy for me though. I heard several songs today that reminded me of dad and allowed me to cry and weep for missing him. There are two songs in particular that really bring out the cry sessions for me. They are very moving songs and I know Dad would have loved them because he loved contemporary Christian music. Anyway, I am going to send you the links to the songs so you can hear how beautiful they are and weep yet rejoice with me!
This is Mandisa singing "He is with you"
This is Chris Tomlin singing "I will Rise"

These are my thoughts for the day and I thought you would enjoy these songs as much as I do.


Kathy said...

I was going to say "Happy Birthday" on your f/b wall, but with all that's going on, and particularly this being one of many "firsts" this year, that doesn't totally seem appropriate. I do hope you have as happy a birthday as possible under the circumstances, though. It's just tough, although it will get easier... eventually.

CAB said...

Bless your heart! I got teary just reading this - I pray you will be able to have a good day and remember the good times from days gone by as well.