Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Unwanted Phone Calls

This really annoying debt consolidation company got our phone number and will not stop calling me! I have had at least 3-5 calls a day for the past 6 days [except for Sunday...]. They start promptly at around 7:30am and call all throughout the day. I have done all of the following:
  • I have requested that they take me off of their call list
  • I have asked to speak to a manager - which got me nowhere
  • I have even become sarcastic with them when they ask for me by name. "May I speak to Melanie please?" To which I reply: "I'm sorry, I'm not available right now, can I leave myself a message?" To which the person on the other end says yes, so I say: "Please leave your message at the sound of the beep. BEEP!"
  • I have even not answered or hung up on them

Even though I have done all of these things, they STILL will not quit calling me. I have been able to find some humor in this situation though. The humor came when every time they called today, I answered, put them on speakerphone, and let my two year old Josiah do all the talking for me! He loves to talk on the phone to anyone who will talk back. The conversation went somewhat like this: "Hi, can I speak to Melanie?" To which Josiah replied: "Sljufkmws sdkfjsdkjf fksmneom sljfosemv sldlsdmp slmjsldfmk s;dkflsm,bsa;vm bgkfbbafalsdjf asdfkjdksfskl dlmfksdjfkdj fkdjfkv apepmvaopdmm wpasoefsdf." This must have tickled the caller on the other end almost as much as it tickled me because the caller put Josiah on speakerphone so all of his fellow workers could hear him. Then this is what I heard: "Is your mommy home?" To which Josiah replied with A LOT more babble. The workers listening on speakerphone began to laugh at what they were hearing, then Josiah let out a big fake laugh himself and says: "You so funny!". I know this may seem weird or odd to a lot of you, but I despise it when people call my house over and over again, especially if I have requested that they not. I am VERY MUCH not a phone person. I can go days without answering the phone. I can ignore a phone ringing like no one's business. I guess this comes from working in a lot of call centers at various times in my life. At my last job, some days I would answer as many as 160 calls a day. So, this was one of the highlights of my day, and I WILL use my son's love for the phone to my advantage again, whenever the opportunity arises!


Kathy said...


I'm pretty sure it's breaking some law or other for them to call you so early in the morning. Check into that -- 7:30 is just way too early; I think proper business practices dictate that there should be no calls before either 8, 8:30, or 9 a.m. local time. Do you have your phone number on the "no call" list? And finally, you can always get an air horn and blow the earphones off of the next idiot that calls you. :-)

Lepidoptera said...

That would drive me crazy too! I'm glad that you have found a way to deal with it for the present time and hope those calls stop coming soon.