Saturday, August 29, 2009

Josiah and Bethany - my delights!

Since I have gone back to work, and am there on a full-time basis right now, I have missed SOOO much with my kids! I think one day I am going to come home and Bethany will finally be taking that first crawling step...and I will have missed it! Well, today I was determined I wouldn't miss anything with my little delights. We went grocery shopping together [I sincerely thank the Lord for the invention of the double seating shopping cart at Kroger!], went to play at Mr. Tarpley's park, a real nice park here in Roanoke where a prominent man in the neighborhood left this section of land for a fenced in playground for the kids in our city, we took glorious naps and spent some time in the swimming pool. Josiah also got to "take Daddy for a walk" to the store to get mommy a bottle of coke...what a man! Along the way, we had some rather icky events as well! Bethany still sleeps in our bedroom in the corner in her crib. She is such a good and sound sleeper...I can come and go as I please and she never wakes...even if I have to turn the light on! Well, I woke up to the beautiful sounds of my little girl playing and cooing from the corner. I laid there and listened for a while when I realized something wasn't right! There was a terrible smell, also coming from the same corner. Dare I even look, I thought to myself. I knew I was going to regret it, but I had to look. I rose up out of bed to see my precious little girl on her hands and knees, diaper long gone, and poo-poo from head to toe. Did I say head to toe? I meant HEAD TO TOE!!! Oh gag! I thought. How am I going to get these clothes off of her, then she smiled at me and I realized the distance this disgusting stuff had gone...she had it on her face, in her hair, on her pacifier...which just dropped out of her mouth. She had socks on and when I took the socks off, it was on her feet through the socks. This stuff was everywhere! I held her naked little body by her two hands and hurried her to the bathtub. This stuff gave me a hard time coming off too! So, needless to say, tonight we wore bloomers over our diaper when we went to bed!

As for Josiah, he heard me ask Daddy if Daddy would go and buy me a coke at the store down the street, and Josiah said he wanted to take Daddy for a walk. So, Josiah got to go with him, wearing his big boy Elmo underwear and not pull ups! Woo-hoo! I think I have him scared enough that he won't wet his underwear. He is afraid to "pee-pee" on Elmo. I say: "Hey, whatever works"! So, after Josiah went to take Daddy on his walk, I heard screaming and crying and I see Daddy carrying Josiah back to the house. I thought the sounds appeared to be hurt cries, and that some doctoring might be necessary, so before they got back in the door, I got out the first aid kit and some antisceptic spray. Josiah sat on the table screaming until I cleaned him up and put "boo-boo stickers" on his knees. Who knew a little skinned knee could bleed so much? Well, Josiah was more upset about coming back home than he was about falling and hurting his knees!

Well, I know this isn't much, but this is how my day has been spent...with my wonderful kids and husband - the delights of my world!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

God Has Been My Refuge Daily

God has been my refuge daily,
God has been my hiding place,
He will ever lead me onward,
He will take me home at last.
He knows all my joys and sorrows,
He knows all my trials and cares,
He knows all my sins and errors,
Yet for me He daily cares.
He has taught my heart to love him,
While he found me deep in sin,
Yet He loved me long before then,
E'en before the world began.
All my days I want to serve Him,
He has been so good to me,
Every day shall be to praise Him,
Long as breath remains in me!
I can not get this song out of my head tonight and have been singing or humming it often. It is such a beautiful song about God's love for us. My family is going through some trials right now, our church family is going through some trials, but what a consolation to know that God daily cares for me. He knows all my joys and sorrows...every single one of them! He knows all of my sins and errors and YET He still loves and cares for me! Hallelujah! Despite all of these trials we may seem to be going through, we serve and awesome God and that will never change. I need to remember to constantly look to Him from "whence cometh my help"!
I hope anyone having a rough week or feeling down can read the words to this song and be uplifted knowing that God is in control and loves His children. Praying without ceasing...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

You thought I forgot, didn't you?

Every Saturday since I last posted I have had major things going on and simply NO TIME at all to catch up on my blogging. I really don't have a lot of time today, but thankfully I am a fast typist and can get a lot in in just a few minutes!

My DH is out cutting our grass and a neighbor lady's, Josiah and Bethany are both taking a nap, the kitchen is clean and dinner is in the oven, so I thought: why not?! We have been tremendously busy over the past few weeks and it seems like I have less and less time with the family, so some thing have to go. Blogging and computer time are just examples. I have to get up around 6am every morning to get ready, get the kids bags ready and be out the door and to work at 8am. Then, I work and do not get home until around 5:15! As soon as I come in the door, though, my darling son greets me with a big hug and a kiss and begs me to lay down on the sofa and rest while Daddy massages my feet. Bethany sees me and starts kicking and squealing in the floor from her beloved play spot. She is content for me to play with her from my "resting" spot on the sofa. I do this every day for Josiah. He needs this special attention from me and I am glad to give it and get so much in return. I love sitting and unwinding from my day before resuming family life. I love coming home to my babies, but wish I didn't have to leave them in the first place. I am still on a full time schedule, hoping to hear any day about my part time schedule. That is something all of my friends can pray about for me!

Some fun things about the kiddoes:

He is getting bigger and bigger and he is such a sweet big brother. He is always trying to figure out why Bethany might be upset and when she is, he will bring her a new toy and tell her not to cry that it is okay. He has been learning some Bible verses: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.", and "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine". Any time he is fussy or disobedient after disciplining, I make him quote these verses and we talk about them. Josiah also says our dinner time prayer. He can't say all of the words, but he will say most of the prayer: "God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food. By His hands we are fed, give us Lord our daily bread. Amen." He looks forward to this every evening when we sit down to eat. He is such a good little boy, but he does have his moments where I want to wring my hands and pull out my hair. I don't think these times will lessen as he grows, but I am looking for alternative ways to help him not fuss, whine or pitch fits as much. These moments are not fun for me! I do love it when Josiah gets real lovey and wants to "hold me" or love on me and kiss me. It makes everything better!

This little girl is soon to be on the move! She loves to sit in the living room and play. When she does, she rocks back and forth and ends up scooting a good bit on her bottom. She is soon going to be able to get to where she wants to go. She will roll over to her tummy and get up on her hands and knees, rock back and forth, then give herself a good push, which propels her forward. She is our constant delight. About a week or so ago, she cut 4 teeth at the same time and we hardly noticed...she did have some fussy moments though. She continues to be a good eater and sleeper all of the time for which I am thankful. Her favorite past times as of late have been when I drape the big floor blanket over the dining room table and she and Josiah go under there to play. They both love it. Whenever Bethany gets upset, Josiah will go get her another toy and say: "Do you like it sweetheart?". This just melts my heart. A couple of nights ago, they spent about an hour and a half under the table together!

Well, I just wanted to share a few things about us and what's going on. Hope you all are having a GREAT summer and enjoying the sunshine! God Bless Everyone!