Sunday, August 23, 2009

God Has Been My Refuge Daily

God has been my refuge daily,
God has been my hiding place,
He will ever lead me onward,
He will take me home at last.
He knows all my joys and sorrows,
He knows all my trials and cares,
He knows all my sins and errors,
Yet for me He daily cares.
He has taught my heart to love him,
While he found me deep in sin,
Yet He loved me long before then,
E'en before the world began.
All my days I want to serve Him,
He has been so good to me,
Every day shall be to praise Him,
Long as breath remains in me!
I can not get this song out of my head tonight and have been singing or humming it often. It is such a beautiful song about God's love for us. My family is going through some trials right now, our church family is going through some trials, but what a consolation to know that God daily cares for me. He knows all my joys and sorrows...every single one of them! He knows all of my sins and errors and YET He still loves and cares for me! Hallelujah! Despite all of these trials we may seem to be going through, we serve and awesome God and that will never change. I need to remember to constantly look to Him from "whence cometh my help"!
I hope anyone having a rough week or feeling down can read the words to this song and be uplifted knowing that God is in control and loves His children. Praying without ceasing...

1 comment:

Lepidoptera said...

Even those not feeling down can be uplifted by this knowledge. Thanks for the reminder! We continue to think of you and pray for you.