Sunday, July 27, 2008

Laundry advice

Take care of your laundry a little at a time...before it turns into a big enough monster to eat you!

I have neglected my laundry this week, doing only a little here and there, telling myself I was doing other beneficial things instead. It was true...I got some closets cleaned out, some high chairs scrubbed from top to bottom, hardwood floors thoroughly cleaned and the whole downstairs dusted to a "t". I simply wish I had done a little more laundry as I went. I have spent the last two nights washing/drying/folding laundry. I think I washed 7 loads! You must DH goes through about two full outfits a day and my DS is the spit up king of the world and has always gone through 2-3 outfits a day. Well, I also had all of the bed linens and other linens that my little charges dirtied this week...I guess it was the week for my little ones to get sick and vomit several times a day. By the way, it was these "extra" items that I washed a little as I went...I did not let them sit!

The moral of the story is a little goes a long way!!! I must say I am so thankful for the routine my husband and I have. Since our laundry room is in the basement and I have to climb two full flights of stairs to get to the upstairs bedrooms, my DH carries ALL dirty clothes down, ALL clean clothes up, and he puts away ALL clothes except for the baby's clothes...we still haven't mastered that one yet!

Have a good week!

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