I didn't realize just how little time I would have once the springs rolled to an end and the summer started breathing down our necks. Warmer weather here makes Josiah want to be outside almost 100% of the time and I try to accommodate him because I would rather him be active and outdoors than inside sitting around or wanting to watch videos. Josiah loves trees, flowers, sticks, trucks, BIG trucks and anyone who will stop and talk to him as they go by or we go by. He loves to get his push toy and walk all the way to the end of the street and back [it would be about 1/2 a mile I would guess]. He would do it over and over again if I let him. We went out this morning for a walk and we got back to our house and he was completely covered in sweat, sweat dripping down his face and curly locks of golden hair. I wasn't ready to go inside yet, but I did feel like we needed some water and this cause much of a fuss! We got our water though and walked again to the end of the street and back.
Well, this is not all we have been up to. I am ending up a school season long babysitting spree [except for the almost 3 months I was out on "maternity leave"]. I love the family I babysit for. They have a 6 1/2, 3 and almost 2 yr old. I have babysit them of and on for about 2 years, or at least since the baby was a baby. They are a real sweet Christian family and I have enjoyed them immensely. I am currently looking for some more babysitting to take on for the summer. I must do the babysitting or something like it for the time being so I can stay at home and be my all to my kids. I may have an opportunity to watch 2 teenage foster girls during the day this summer. I am still praying about this and have not heard back from the lady that interviewed me. All who read this can pray for me to have some one come along that I can minister to and that can bring in enough money to comtinue to keep me at home.
Other than babysitting and working around the house, we have had a rather wondrous occurrence in Roanoke. I won't mention names, because I just don't mention other people by name on my blog because they probably wouldn't want it, but one of my favorite people, and a simply wonderful young lady is now an engaged young woman. If anyone reading this is a part of Facebook and a friend of mine on facebook, go check out my pictures if you haven't already! As a result of this engagement and upcoming wedding, I have kicked it into high gear and I am exercising like crazy and really enjoying it. For more on that, visit my blog weightingfornothing.blogspot.com in the next couple of days and I will have some updates. I have to lose a lot of weight before I will even look decent in family pictures at this wedding!
Okay, so updates on the wee ones. Josiah has been a delight this week. Every week he comes up with something new to tickle us with or delight us with. It is his job, right? Well, this week he has been referring to himself as "Siah". He will say things like: "Siah do it!", or, "Siah help mommy!". He is absolutely adorable with this. He is becoming more and more aware of what it means to obey mommy and daddy and what happens if he chooses not to. When Sunday morning comes around and he realizes we are getting ready for church, he will say: "Go to church, praise the Lord, sit still and be quiet, or get a skankin!" I think he knows we mean business! He really is a good little boy during church and most other times! He has finally realized that Bethany can bring him much joy and that he can bring her much joy as well. He loves to make her smile and to make her coo. She loves him too! Two times this past month I have had to rescue her from Josiah. One of the times I heard Bethany coughing and I turned around to see raisings spewing out of her mouth. Josiah had given her a handful and explained to me that he was "sharing". The other time I walked in the room and Bethany had a tomato slice hanging from her mouth. It was darling, but I have to watch that boy! This time he explained that she was "starving!".
Bethany is still her lovable and agreeable self. She hardly ever cries and those two bottom teeth in the middle finally broke through and are not giving her much more trouble anymore. She has grown significantly in the last month and a half or so. She went from a kind of tiny little 11 pound 4 month old to an almost 15 lb 5 1/2 month old. This is probably because we made a switch to formula because of technical difficulties :-) and she has been having a few baby foods. She LOVES sweet potatoes, but they don't love her tummy, so we have nixed them for a couple of months. She also likes bananas, rice cereal, avacado and sweet peas. This is about as far as we have ventured so far. She doesn't flip over much when she is on the floor, but she is already starting to sit up on her own, but is still a little unsteady.
As for me and Danny, we shared our 8th wedding anniversary this month as well as Danny's 42nd birthday. We didn't do much on these two occasions but spend some time together and that is always fun!
Well, that is about it for now. I will try to get back to more consistent blogging, but don't get your hopes up since Summer is upon us! Happy Memorial Day and Memorial Day weekend!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Bad Habits
I have a really bad habit of turning the TV on and just listening to it during the day. I don't really watch anything bad, mostly news. I realized yesterday the negative affect this is having on my young son though. You know you watch too much TV when your son repeats a popular law office commercial he has heard way too many times:
"Tell them you mean business! Call Kalfus and Nachman on the HURTLINE now!"
My husband and I really laughed hard the first time we heard this, but when he said it so many times, I realized this bad habit HAD TO GO!
What kinds of bad habits do you have that you have seen come out in your kids?
"Tell them you mean business! Call Kalfus and Nachman on the HURTLINE now!"
My husband and I really laughed hard the first time we heard this, but when he said it so many times, I realized this bad habit HAD TO GO!
What kinds of bad habits do you have that you have seen come out in your kids?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
These are a few of my favorite things...
Homemade Icecream
Yellow Rose
Umm...I guess any type of small dog
Pumpkin Spice Frapuccino
Pair of Shoes:
I am sooo not a shoe person, so plain sandals
Apple Slices and Peanut Butter
I Can Only Imagine
Mercy Me
It is hard to name just one
I like a lot of Christian Fiction and Biographies
I change it so often, who knows? I really like it short enough to wash and go and not have to do much with it
Piece of Clothing:
My undershirts
Store to clothes shop:
Things to collect:
I really do not like to collect things, but I have so many collections I never intended
Gone with the Wind and the Sound of Music
Right now, McAlister's
Monday, May 4, 2009
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