Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Month of June

This month has flown by. I have been really busy, but it seems if I were to stop and tell what I were busy doing, my mind draws a blank! Well, I will recap as much as I can remember!

Josiah's potty training is still going, slowly but sweetly. I did cringe this morning when he came up to me and said: "Um, mommy? Yucky dirty on the chair, yucky dirty on the floor and yucky dirty on my hands!" To which I quickly turned from what I was doing to check the adult version of the damage...it wasn't too bad, but he wasn't kidding either! Josiah will tell me when he is wet and when he has messed his pants, but he won't tell me when he needs to go. He will tell me he needs to mess about 10 minute before he does, to which I proactively put him on the potty and cheer him on. Then nothing happens until we put the pants back on. How do we figure this part out??? Well, on to greener pastures...

Bethany is sitting up for 20 and 30 minutes at a time. She LOVES for Josiah to play with her and Josiah loves to play with her, although his playing with her has to be severely monitored! For some reason he likes to plant his palm in her face and shove her over when she is sitting up, and he thinks it is funny. Bethany is also making a lot of sounds and making a lot of noise. Her favorite right now is sticking her tongue out and spitting. Josiah loves it when Bethany makes her spitting noise but doesn't quite understand why it is not alright for him to spit. We went to a church meeting this past weekend and twice I had to discipline Josiah for spitting in people's faces when they talked to him. Josiah spitting has a lot more force than a little old baby spit! I was literally wiping spit out of one lady's hair! So, we were in the car on the way home from this meeting and Josiah turned around to me and said: "Mommy! What happens if you spit? What? What happens?" I told him: "You tell me, what happens if you spit?" Then Josiah said: "I take you out and skank your hand!"He doesn't quite understand why he can't spit but Bethany can, so he has told me several times that Bethany needs a spankin'! Even though Bethany is sitting up, she could care less about rolling over and has maybe done so about 5 times. Isn't that weird? Josiah was rolling from one side of the room to the other by 7 months!

Now for some sadness to share. Danny and I have been praying about our financial situation for a while now and feel led for me to go back to work part time. I have been praying about what to do and where to go when I noticed an ad for the previous company I worked for, and they were looking for part time work! I would love to work for my previous company again and it was PT! Even better! So, this week I have been finishing up paperwork for going back to work at Delta Dental. I have been preparing myself for leaving the kids for 1/2 a day and I though I had gotten to the point where I felt like I could do it and not feel too bad or too guilty. Then yesterday a bombshell went off in my lap! I was told that the training begins this next Monday and that the training is for 6 weeks [it has been over 2 years since I have been at Delta, so I have to go through the training again, understandably!] and not only is it for 6 weeks, it is from Monday thru Friday from 8a-5p. I guess I just didn't think it would be this much. I have been bursting out in tears yesterday and today over the thought of leaving my kids on a daily basis for most of the day. Six weeks! Bethany will be rolling over and crawling and I will be missing it!!! I am so sad and downcast. I am blessed however to have a wonderful friend who is helping to keep the kids one day a week and my mother in law is keeping the kids two days a week. Daddy is off and keeping the kids one day a week and our cousin will fill in for one day a week or as needed. The Lord has helped us to have all of the pieces fall into place and this is what we have needed. Please pray for me while I have to be away from my kids. I am feeling all alone and very sad right now and I don't like these feelings!

This has been our June goings on and I will try to be more diligent to write more in the future!!!

1 comment:

Lepidoptera said...

I am so sorry that you have to be away from the children that much. You are in my prayers!