Wednesday, October 28, 2009

100th Blog Post

Wow! 100 posts? Really? I didn't think I would ever go this far! This has been a busy season, month, week, and day for us here at the Hodges'! We seem to be swirling around here in the beautiful fall weather of Roanoke, Va.. I simply love this time of year. Our road is covered fall colored leaves and a lot of leaves in our front yard from the neighbor's tree. I think we will rake some leaves this weekend and play in them for a while. How much fun will this be? A lot, I tell you!!!

So, today has been a very busy day. I worked an early shift instead of the afternoon shift, and I took the afternoon to take Bethany to the eye doctor. She has crossed eyes, especially a problem with her left eye and we needed to have it seen about it. I thought the doctor would tell me that I was over-reacting or that the problem would eventually fix himself, but he almost immediately told me that there was a problem with her eyes and they were very crossed and then after a complete exam, he told me that Bethany is "extremely far-sighted" and that she needs glasses almost immediately. He says that she will proably need them for the rest of her life. Okay, I can handle that! At least it is not surgery she needs or any further problems, this is something that can easily be fixed with glasses. The only dilemma now is...what color... pink or purple? :-) I will post pictures one we get her glasses so everyone can see how cute she is.

Josiah, on the other hand, has entered a new phase of his life which I affectionately refer to as the "Hey momma..." phase. Oh my goodness, every other phrase out of his mouth is "hey momma...". It is driving me a little batty, but I always try to acknowledge him in spite of wanting to plug my ears! Here is a sample of one of our conversations in the car today:

J: "Hey momma!"
M: "What, honey?"
J: "Larry boy is brokie, momma."
M: "It is?"
J: "Uh-huh. Hey momma?"
M: What, honey?
J: "Daddy is driving."
J: "Hey momma?
M: "Yes, sweetie?"
J: "Go bye-bye eat?
M: Yes, we are going to eat Mexican tonight."
J: "Hey momma?"
M: "Mommy's not here!"
J: "Hey, momma? Where are you?" [in a sweet sing-songy voice!]

We had a good laugh over this one. This is literally the way things are going all day with Josiah. I have to keep reminding myself I love to hear him call my name. My mom laughed and said to wait until both Josiah and Bethany are calling my name. I laughed and cringed at the same time!

Well, it is time to head on to bed for another day here at the Hodges.

God Bless to all!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Keith is doing that. Five years old. I don't think he even knows he's doing it. I'm not sure how long he's been doing it, either -- I noticed it a few months ago, and it's driven me nuts ever since, but it's possible he's been starting every other sentence with, "Hey, mommy" for some time now.