Sunday, June 20, 2010

Crutches Stink...

I remember when I was little I always wanted to break a lower extremity because I thought about how fun it would be to walk on crutches. I thought it would be so cool and so easy and so fun. Now, I am an adult and am having my first experience with crutches and I want to scream! So, let me take you back a little...

June in Roanoke brings out our delicious wild raspberries in the backyard. We have spent the better part of this last week picking raspberries and Josiah has fallen in love with picking raspberries fresh and eating them for hours at a time. It takes him quite a while to get all of the fuzz off of the raspberry, so he doesn't eat many, but loves telling me all about "drinking the raspberries". So, Wednesday night after I got home from work, Danny told me there were more raspberries to pick and we needed to get them before the birds did. I agreed...I wanted some raspberry cobbler and so did Danny. Danny needed to go to the basement so he took Josiah with him and I told him I was going to take Bethany down the back porch steps. Now, let me tell you, I have NEVER had a good track record with stairs of any kind. I am not allowed to carry anything up or downstairs any more, per my sweet husband, and this time was no different. Bethany is a hefty little girl, so I basically don't carry her anywhere anymore unless really necessary. I started to walk her down the steps, she was two steps above me, and I thought to myself: "The steps are a little slick...what on earth will I do with Bethany if I start to fall?" About that time, I started to slip, and I pushed Bethany backwards hoping she would sit and not fall, which worked, but I fell down about 5 more steps on my bottom and back. I got to the end and was in a little bit of pain, especially with my ankle, but I still didn't know if I was injured badly. My foot continued to hurt, but I got up and picked raspberries for about an hour. My foot was swelling quite a bit and was a little bruised, but this had happened before and was not a big deal, right? I got up and went to work the next day, all day, still in pain. I got up and went to work Friday, still in pain, but relieved when I was told my team got to leave at 2pm. I knew where I was headed...URGENT CARE. I took myself in and was seen and had xrays and they told me...I have a broken ankle! AAGGHHH...They put a big splint on it and told me I need to go to the orthopaedic specialist the next week to see what the next course of action was. Now I sit here, unable to do much of anything for myself or my kids and feeling cmpletely helpless! My sis in law came over and helped me get the kids some lunch and put them down for naps, so that was a big help. My mother in law is going to help take me to the specialist and my cousins are going to watch the kids for me when I go. In the middle of all of this, I still have to go to work part time and all that fun stuff. I am just praying that the spcialist can put me in a walking boot or something like that so I can get around, because crutches DO NOT get along with me!

Well, enough for now, off the computer and time to hobble around!


Tracy said...

Hi I just popped into your blog or should I say hobbled sorry cheap shot. Hope you get sorted soon

jack69 said...

Clicking on the NEXT BLOG button. Neat blog, hope you get rid of the crutches soon!!!!!