Monday, June 7, 2010

Playing catch up with the Hodges Family

Sorry for no recent posts. We have been busy, busy, busy! What have we been busy doing, you ask? Well, I am glad you is what we have been doing:

Danny has been busy working in the garden. We are not as far along on it as we had hoped, but this is the week that we will finish planting so we can have some produce! We do have some lettuce varieties sprouting, but that is all that has been planted so far. Danny will also be planting a wide variety of tomatoes. My only request is grape tomatoes so I can make tons of salsa! I love fresh garden salsa. I don't use any hot peppers in mine, though, so others might be disappointed. We are also planting squash and zucchini, cucumbers, cantaloupe, watermelon, and the rest I am drawing a blank on. Our back yard is covered with raised bed containers and container gardens. As for me, I am going to buy/plant some herbs. I want cilantro, basil, rosemary and thyme. We already have chocolate mint, mint, and lemon balm.

We also recently took a trip to GA. It was a sweet time of fellowship with all of my immediate family, but hard at the same time because it was the first time we have been together without Dad. At one point, we were about to eat a dinner outside at my brothers house and my brother looked around at everyone and said, "Okay, who's missing?" I just cracked up because the only one missing was Dad. That laughing then turned to a few tears. Things will never be the same going back to GA. That's not good or bad, just a fact, you know? We did have a major answer to prayers when we were preparing to head to GA. My mom called me and asked me what we decided about Dad's car. I was a little confused because months ago we talked and I told her we weren't able to buy it. She was a little confused that I was confused, so I told her again that we just couldn't afford to buy it. She said, no, she paid it off and did we want it? Wow. I was dumbfounded. Our cars still work, but we can't travel in them anymore because they are old. Danny has taken really good care of them, they just don't travel. So, we came home with a new charcoal colored 2006 Nissan Altima. Praise the Lord. Sometimes it is hard for me to be really happy about it because it is just another reminder that Dad is gone, and truly, I would rather have Dad, but as Josiah says, "That's just the way the story goes!"

Okay, that's enough of our busy-ness...I leave you with some funnies:

We were on the way to Mee-maw's house one day and this is our conversation:

Josiah: Mommy, is Mee-maw going to slap me?
Me: No, Josiah. Mee-maw has never slapped you and will not slap you today.
Josiah: Are you sure?
Me: Yes, I am sure!
Josiah: [After thinking for a minute] Well, Is Meemaw going to smack you?

My favorite Josiah funny of the week:

We were on the way to the grocery store and this is the conversation:

Josiah: Mommy, will you turn it on Boortz? [Neil Boortz is talk radio]
Me: No, I will not turn it on Boortz!
Josiah: Well, then, will you turn it on Rush? [As in Rush Limbaugh]
Me: No, I will not!
I thought to myself "Daddy has been found out!"

My favorite Bethany funny of the week:

We were leaving Meemaw's house one day and Bethany saw Pap-pap coming out of the house and says:

"Ohhh, Pap-pap! I want him, I need him, I want him, I need him!" Which she said through tears ALL OF THE WAY HOME!

Hope everyone has a good week!

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