Sunday, August 8, 2010

To sew or not to sew, that is the question!

Last week, I did not do any sewing because I felt that it had become and all-consuming thing for me. I was in a zone and there was not much else I wanted to do or did while I was sewing. I did complete about 20 projects to sell from the week before, but the week before, I also did not have a very clean or organized house, I did not make dinner, Danny did, and time with the kids was at a minimum because I was consumed. So, this week, I want to get back into my sewing, but I must prioritize my time better. This is what I think I will do this week: I will cut out my sewing projects when the kids go down for their afternoon naps, and when they go to bed for the night, I can get about 3 hours of sewing in. That way, my time with the kids is not compromised, dinner is cooked, and I can also focus on the house being clean and organized. This is a lot of what I have been thinking about today and feeling guilty over letting my sewing get out of hand. Sewing is something I have grown to LOVE and even though it is also a means to make money, I realize I have to give it is proper time and place. There is a limit I must learn!!! What kinds of things do you let get in the way of your time keeping house and training your kids? How do you prioritize and plan? I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!


CAB said...

computer time :) what have you been sewing? do you sell on etsy? or ebay? I've done both in the past, but nothing in years!

melliehodges said...

Hey, CAB! I am going to start selling on etsy and ebay. I make pillow case dresses of all sorts and I make other dresses for little girls, mostly. I will also start making young boy's shorts soon. I wish I had the desire to sew for adults, but alas, my heart is in the children's clothes!