Monday, April 12, 2010

Goals for the week

We heard a wonderful sermon at church yesterday by visiting preacher, Elder Glen Ray, from Georgia. He spoke on "Controlling the Tongue", which is a topic very needful in today's age and time. This sermon was very convicting and I am basing my weekly goals upon the message that was brought forth yesterday. Here are some of the main points he made:

* We need to stop and literally think before we say things.
Is what I have to say really important? Is it going to hurt or cause anger or strife?
* Be ready to learn, not ready to teach. James 3...
We need to close our mouths and listen and be willing to learn instead of talking all of the time because we think we have things others need to hear.
* Fires always start out small
Remember, little things we say can have drastic consequences.
*Proverbs 15:1: "A soft answer turneth away wrath."
Do you ever speak sharply to someone, anticipating a sharp response, as if to say, "Bring it on, I am ready for a fight!"? Does anyone ever speak sharply to you making you want to lash back out in anger? We need to fight to give a sharp answer, no matter what is said to us, and it will diffuse the situation immediately. Speaking to someone sharply is like handing them a firework and waiting to see if they will light it!
*Do not be a gossiper or tale-bearer
This one speaks for itself
*Wait until the right time to approach someone who has offended you. Do not go to someone in anger, because you will be sure to say the wrong things at the wrong time. Sit back and wait until the anger has dissipated, then go to the person in love.

These were just some of the highlights, but they spoke volumes to me! My goal for the week is to guard my tongue and think before I speak.


On another note, last week was a great week. There was a lot of sunshine and record high temps. We spent many an evening outdoors with the kids playing, either in the backyard or walking to the park. We had a lot of outdoor fun this week, with a lot more to come, hopefully! I got up at 5:15a every week day this past week, except for Wednesday, and hit the gym. This was no easy task, and I have been so exhausted I can't see straight, but I did have goo results on the scale...I lost 5.4 pounds! My goals for this week, in this area, is to hit the gym early again this week and not strain my knee anymore. I think I will be hitting the pool and hot tub a lot because of this severe pain in my knee.

Whatever your goals are for the week, May the Lord bless you endeavors and cause yoiu you to reach them!

1 comment:

Lepidoptera said...

Thankful for good services yesterday and also for a good week! We have been enjoying the windy, warmer weather outside lately too. It is so nice to be outside again after last winter and see everything growing and blooming.