Friday, April 2, 2010

Some funnies

I have been sewing for a few days and really enjoying it, so when I finished another pair of bloomers for Bethany this morning, I got really excited to try them on her. Josiah was sharing my excitement and this is what happened next:

Josiah: "Mommy, will you make me some boomers like Bet-bet's?"
Me: "Well, honey, bloomers are for little girls to wear."
Josiah: "Mommy, please?" [followed by "please" in sign language]
Me: [Heart incredibly softened] "Okay buddy, I will make you some 'boomers', to wear to bed, okay?"
Josiah: "Um, yes, mommy. Make them with Veggie Tales, okay?"

He just tickled me to death! This did prompt me to search the internet for Veggie tales fabric for which to make him some "boomers" for bed time. I found a really good deal and purchased some!

Another funny was on my birthday and this is what happened:

I got the kids up early and I decided we were going to go out to eat for mommy's birthday. On the way this was the conversation:

Me: "Today is Mommy's birthday!"
Josiah: "Um, Mommy, today CAN'T be your birthday!"
Me: "It can't? Why not?"
Josiah: "Because you don't have any presents!"
Me: "Well, it is my birthday, presents or not..."
Josiah: "No, mommy, it still CAN'T be, because you are sick!"

It was true, I was trying my best to get over laryngitis, but it was still pretty bad. After a couple of days of whispering and telling Josiah I couldn't talk, he would tell me to "hush" because I was sick.

So, we went into IHOP and when the waitress came around, to take our order, I began to "try to talk" and Josiah said:
"Um, hush mommy, you're sick." Then, after a little bit of being in shock he said: "Mommy wants 'mancakes' [pancakes], Bet-bet wants fruit and I want cottage cheese, okay?"
My mouth just about hit the floor...he just took over and me and the waitress cracked up!

My little man is getting so big and he keeps us in stitches...most of the time!

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