Thursday, August 14, 2008

Much Better!!!

Josiah still has his moments, fits and all, but over all, he has been a much happier and joyful little boy. He has really enjoyed spending a lot more one on one time with mommy and daddy and I think this makes him so happy. Daddy loves to take him on walks and Josiah loves to go. Josiah just sits back and takes in all of the sites and sounds of the great outdoors while Daddy gets his much loved walks in. Mommy spent a lot of time with Josiah on Wednesday playing with Mr. Potato head. None of the pieces got in the right places, but he still had fun because I was sitting in the floor playing with him most of the morning. He did not throw his high chair tray today which was a big plus in my book! The biggest thing is that I have been in a better mood since Tuesday. I realize more than ever that Josiah's moods and actions are based largely on mommy's moods and actions and I needed to make an attitude adjustment more than anyone else did. Well, all is well in the Hodges household and attitudes are better than ever...for now!

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