Monday, August 11, 2008

Sonograms, Due Dates, Confusion

It would seem that every time I go back in to the DR they need to do an sonogram. Every time they need to do a sonogram they measure the baby at different weeks gestation, thus giving a different due date. The first time I went in, the baby was measuring with a due date of 12/25/2008. With the next sonogram, the baby was measuring further along than the DR thought and we were given a new due date of 12/15/2008. Today, we had the "BIG" ultrasound where they check all of the really important things like arms, legs, organs, brain, heart, etc.,. Everything looks great, except the baby was in a poor position and they were not able to get a good look at the spine [which means another ultrasound in a month...sick of them, I tell you!]. The due date is now reading aproximately 12/26/2008...kind of funny! So, I am about 20-22 wks along, depending on which sonogram I choose to go by. It is frustrating to me that they keep giving different dates. I wish they could just pick one and give it to me. It doesn't even matter what the due date is, because I will have to have a c-section and the DR will pick the due date based upon the baby's health, my health and how close I am to the estimated due date. Anyway, I am sure a month from now I may be reporting to you a totally different due date and all that good stuff. We did verify that our little baby appears to have all the makings of a little girl and for that we remain extremely excited!

I hope to scan an sonogram picture soon and maybe post it. We did get some good profile pictures...this little girl has some long arms and legs...Josiah did too!!! That must be what is kicking me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Earlier sonograms are more accurate. In the first trimester, they have an accuracy of plus or minus 5 days; by the last trimester, it's plus or minus 2 weeks.

I think that doctors go by averages of fetal weight and the length of the femur (maybe some other bones). Since you and Danny are so tall, it would make sense for your baby to be "tall" too, which might account for her leg bones being longer than one might expect for a 20-week-old, and the doc giving you a date now of 22 weeks along.

A sonogram is just one way to pick a "due" date; if you're regular and/or had an early positive pregnancy test, then those are usually also taken into account when guessing the date.

I have heard of some women who knew without a doubt when they conceived (like their husband were gone for months at a time and were home one weekend type thing), and some doctors still insisted on going with the sonogram estimate for the due date instead of the mom's absolute assurance of when conception happened.

So, expect more confusion -- especially since the "term" period is anywhere from 37-42 weeks.

Gotta go -- Keith just put a button up his nose!!! First time for everything. Sigh...
