While my DS sits and eats his dinner and watches VeggieTales, "Rack, Shack and Benny" for the millionth time, I thought I might have a few moments to write about a funny...
Yesterday was the annual Vass Family Reunion [on my husband's side of the family] so Josiah and I loaded up and made the 1 1/2 hr drive to Hillsville to be with everyone. I made a quick stop at CVS Pharmacy before meeting up with Aunt Amber so we could caravan together. I pulled up at the drive thru window and a voice came over the speaker, "Are you here for a pick-up or drop off?". Before I could say that I was picking up, my little munchkin in the backseat yells out: "Need to eat, pease!". I cracked up and so did the associate. I told her I was there for pick up while Josiah kept yelling "pease!" in the backseat. It is pretty funny because we haven't been drive-thru junkies for a long time, but Danny does go to get drinks from drive-thrus pretty often and I guess Josiah put two and two together. That was my delight for the day.
Another delight of the day was that Josiah was one of the show stealers at the family reunion. Cousin Bambi fed him...lots... so she was his best friend for the rest of the day, plus everyone else thought about how cute he was as he begged food off of nearly EVERYONE! Yeah, real cute...that's one of those habits I have been trying to break to no avail. Just because ANYONE has food, Josiah feels a certain entitlement to it. Well, overloading once a year won't hurt him too much...I don't guess.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
New website!
A real quick note. I was reading on a friend's blog about a Radio List Serve where you get to create your own compilation of artists that you want to hear and I love it! Go to pandora.com and create your commercial free radio stations! Thanks, Christy!
The Lord's mercies are new every morning
Today Josiah returned to his former loving ways. He was happy most of the day and very loving. When he awoke, I didn't hear, "Need to eat, mommy!", but instead, I heard, "Big hug, mommy?", and it was just music to my ears. This afternoons nap was a riot. I put Josiah down at 12:30 and he usually goes right to sleep within a few minutes. Well, today, he played and played and played in his bed. I loved listening to him having a good time. After about an hour, I knew he would be really grouchy if he didn't get his nap, so I went in and loved on him for a minute and told him he had to take a nap to which he said, "Okay! Need night-night!", and he fell asleep for almost two and a half hours after that! Wow, did I get a lot of...nothing done! I sat and worked on a puzzle I have been meaning to do for years. I also did some menu planning and I watched a movie. Talk about being a bum! It was nice, though and I don't regret doing nothing all day!
On another note, I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. The doctor and dietician like to tell you not to blame yourself, you've done nothing wrong, it's not your fault, and stuff like that. I do beg to differ, though, at least in my case. Here's my story: Most of you know that I am already overweight. I did lose 70 lbs before becoming pregnant with Josiah, but I was not able to get off all of my baby weight with Josiah before I became pregnant again this go around. I did do weight watchers and I did exercise on a fairly regular basis, but my eating habits have been way off. When I say my eating habits, I don't necessarily mean what I ate, but it is how I schedule my day. I HATE to eat breakfast and I always have. I noticed when I first turned to weight watchers, that was the one thing I changed that I think did the most for me. With this pregnancy, I have not wanted to eat breakfast or even think about eating until around noon or thereafter. This is a REALLY bad habit, guys. Anyone out there reading this, if you skip breakfast or wait a long time to eat after sleeping all night, you are doing your body a big disservice! So, with gestational diabetes, I have to prick my finger for blood 4 times a day and check my blood sugar levels and record them. I thought I would never be able to prick myself, but I have become an old pro. I have a really strict diet that I am to follow, consisting of 3 small meals a day and 3 small snacks in between. Did y'all know that the most important snack that you can ever have is before you go to bed at night? Haven't we been taught a little differently than that...you know, don't eat after 6pm or 8pm and things like that? Well, I have made changes mostly in my eating routines and VOILA! my blood sugar levels have been normal for the past week, without one single day of being over the recommended level. Pretty good, huh? I even ate mexican food tonight, the same dish I usually eat at the mexican restaurant, and my levels were GREAT 2 hours after my meal. So, if you are pregnant, and you want to avoid gestation diabetes, eat regular meals and snacks. Now, I know, doctors and dieticians are right to some extent...there are many factors that cause gestational diabetes, but if 75% of patients can control it with their diet, then what does that tell you? As far as other pregnancy related health problems, I did have preeclampsia with Josiah. I had high blood pressure from the end of the 1st trimester on with JoJo and so far with this pregnancy my BP has been at a borderline high. I check it about 5 times a day, get an average for the day and report it to the DR once a week. I want to avoid preeclampsia this time around, but gestational diabetes also increases the risks of preeclampsia. So, in short, please pray for me and my overall health. I feel GREAT and I am doing GREAT, I am eating well, putting my feet up several times a day and also taking a daily nap as requested by my doctor, so we will just have to see where we are when it comes time to meet our little girl. Please pray for me in the remainder of my third trimester and also for my family as they depend on a healthy wife and mommy too!
On another note, I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. The doctor and dietician like to tell you not to blame yourself, you've done nothing wrong, it's not your fault, and stuff like that. I do beg to differ, though, at least in my case. Here's my story: Most of you know that I am already overweight. I did lose 70 lbs before becoming pregnant with Josiah, but I was not able to get off all of my baby weight with Josiah before I became pregnant again this go around. I did do weight watchers and I did exercise on a fairly regular basis, but my eating habits have been way off. When I say my eating habits, I don't necessarily mean what I ate, but it is how I schedule my day. I HATE to eat breakfast and I always have. I noticed when I first turned to weight watchers, that was the one thing I changed that I think did the most for me. With this pregnancy, I have not wanted to eat breakfast or even think about eating until around noon or thereafter. This is a REALLY bad habit, guys. Anyone out there reading this, if you skip breakfast or wait a long time to eat after sleeping all night, you are doing your body a big disservice! So, with gestational diabetes, I have to prick my finger for blood 4 times a day and check my blood sugar levels and record them. I thought I would never be able to prick myself, but I have become an old pro. I have a really strict diet that I am to follow, consisting of 3 small meals a day and 3 small snacks in between. Did y'all know that the most important snack that you can ever have is before you go to bed at night? Haven't we been taught a little differently than that...you know, don't eat after 6pm or 8pm and things like that? Well, I have made changes mostly in my eating routines and VOILA! my blood sugar levels have been normal for the past week, without one single day of being over the recommended level. Pretty good, huh? I even ate mexican food tonight, the same dish I usually eat at the mexican restaurant, and my levels were GREAT 2 hours after my meal. So, if you are pregnant, and you want to avoid gestation diabetes, eat regular meals and snacks. Now, I know, doctors and dieticians are right to some extent...there are many factors that cause gestational diabetes, but if 75% of patients can control it with their diet, then what does that tell you? As far as other pregnancy related health problems, I did have preeclampsia with Josiah. I had high blood pressure from the end of the 1st trimester on with JoJo and so far with this pregnancy my BP has been at a borderline high. I check it about 5 times a day, get an average for the day and report it to the DR once a week. I want to avoid preeclampsia this time around, but gestational diabetes also increases the risks of preeclampsia. So, in short, please pray for me and my overall health. I feel GREAT and I am doing GREAT, I am eating well, putting my feet up several times a day and also taking a daily nap as requested by my doctor, so we will just have to see where we are when it comes time to meet our little girl. Please pray for me in the remainder of my third trimester and also for my family as they depend on a healthy wife and mommy too!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Mama Drama
This may sound really weird to all of you mama's out there, but last week is the first time I really realized that Josiah's mood for the day depends on me and vice-versa. Last week my little man was the happiest, giddiest, lovingest and sweetest little boy I ever thought was. He was so happy and that made me happy and we had a GREAT week. We played a lot together, he played alone a lot and kept himself occupied. Disciplining was kept to a minimum and did not create a whiny little boy for the rest of the day when I had to discipline. All in all, I was really surprised at how we "play" off of each others moods. Today, I realized it as well. Today was a day that I would like to start over and do again. Josiah woke up screaming from his bed. He is putting more and more words together and some short sentences. His phrase of choice this morning, in between shrieking cries was, "Need to eat! Mommy! Need to eat! Gilk, Gilk! Pease!!!". It was cute at first, but got old quick. I have long learned that I need to fix Josiah's breakfast before getting him out of bed, because he is very impatient and grumpy when he is hungry and sees me fixing his food. So, I go and get him out of bed and have been greeted for the past week with a big hug and kiss, but not today, no, siree! I asked for a kiss and the mere request sent him into a temper tantrum where he threw himself back in his bed and hit his head, accounting for bruise # 1 today. We got downstairs without much further ado and he ate his breakfast somewhat cheerfully, then we got down to other business. Let me tell you, Josiah whined, cried and threw temper tantrums ALL DAY LONG! It is this that turns my day into funk city. I can't stand the constant whining and tantrums when I tell him no or correct him. At one point today, he climbed up into a chair and then fell out of it onto a little riding lion in the floor. I picked him up, checked him out and comforted him and quickly noticed bruise # 2 appearing swiftly on the forehead. He was bound and determined to show me what happened, so he got out of my lap and banged his head as hard as he could on the lion just to show me what happened. The comforting cycle began again and I noticed bruise # 3 appearing on his cheek. It was then also that I noticed a scratch and a bruise under his chin...where it came from I know not! He tried to show me what happened two or three times and then began hitting his lion as hard as he could because he was mad at it. I finally put the toy on the front porch after disciplining Josiah for his actions. This was the unforgivable. Josiah put on the biggest tantrum yet with that "my feelings are so hurt" poochie lip. I just ignored it and tried to go on about my day. He went on with this for about 15 minutes and I considered putting him back in bed for my own sanity [also, please understand, I was babysitting three other children today...one is 6 yrs, 2 yrs and 1 yr old] but decided against it. But on and on it went. Danny got up and could see that I was in a bad mood and not to be reckoned with at the moment. He was having his own problems with Josiah also. At one point, after Josiah threw himself in the floor again, banged his face, resulting now in bruise # 6, I began to cry myself. I often do not do this, but today I was broken and battered. Josiah saw me crying even though I was trying to control myself and he came over and said, "Are you okay?" which is another favorite phrase, but usually he says it when he hurts himself and someone is nearby, he will ask if they are okay. I picked him up, told him how much I loved him and informed Danny I was taking a nap. "What time do you want me to wake you up?" he asks. "Whenever you want, my dear!" It was a good nap and I woke up to my little boy crawling and climbing all over me and rubbing my head like Daddy does. Then he began to give me "kisses on the wips!" which we have been trying really hard to get him to kiss us with his lips and not just press his cheek to us. What is the point to all of this you ask? I guess in a way I am just venting, but I have been going over this day in my mind and wondering what I would do differently and there are so many things. Most importantly, I would have prayed throughout the day for guidance and patience. There are so many times I don't know how to react to Josiah's reactions and most often I do it in the wrong way, so I need guidance. Patience...I lack it so much and I think my poor little boy has gotten this lack of patience from me! He learns quickly! I have been thinking about the verse in the bible about "create in me a clean heart, oh god, and renew a right spirit within me." I know I may not have all of the words to the verse right, but this is my prayer for tomorrow! Let me say one more thing...I am so thankful to my DH because even though I was in a bad mood, he didn't let me affect him, instead, he let me take a nap and took Josiah out for a walk [even though he didn't change him out of his PJ's first...but hey, who's to know?!] which seems to be the highlight of Josiah's day. Josiah didn't come back in a much better mood, but I am praying the same prayer for him tomorrow as I pray for me. God is on His throne and is able to do above all I ever ask or plead! Thanks for listening to my whining!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Mixtures of Joy and Sorrow
Yesterday I learned of the death of a dear sister in Christ, Rhonda Jones. I am extremely saddened by the loss of this family. She was such a loving wife, mother and sister at Grace Chapel PBC. As long as I have known Sister Rhonda, she has always been serving others and putting others first. I remember a few years ago when we heard she was seriously ill with a condition that could kill her, all across the country brothers and sisters in Christ, family and friends poured out prayers on her behalf and on the behalf of her family. Whenever someone passes away, I can't help but rejoice thinking about them in the presence of their Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I think of the song "I Can Only Imagine" which is a popular Christian song and has been for a few years. It really makes me long to be with Jesus. Oh, Sister Rhonda, no longer do you imagine, you are living with your Saviour! Prayers and hugs to her family and loved ones!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Home again, home again, hippity-hop!
When last I wrote, I was preparing for a monumental event and a little mini-vacation. A little at a time over the next few days, maybe I can share my time away with you. Let's start with going to the chapel...
Josiah and I rode with our cousin Hannah to Susanna Guess Taylor's wedding on August 23rd. We arrived a few days before the wedding and Josiah and I were able to participate in a few of the goings on of the preparations, then we promptly got out of the way! Josiah and I were able to attend the Bridal Luncheon for Susanna on Thursday afternoon after we arrived. Josiah was not meant to be a guest, but endured dramatically well for his mommy! He was the perfect little gentleman and I was happy to be able to stay for the whole luncheon. If he began to act out, I would have just left and not thought another thing about it, but he was great! All of the ladies there shared with Susanna something memorable about their wedding day and it was fun to sit back and listen to old and new stories and share with Susanna what married life was all about. After the luncheon that day, my sister in law, Wendy came and picked me up and we went shopping for the wedding. I didn't have a dress and I was upset that the only outfit that I had to wear was mostly black in color...it is hard to find plus-size maternity clothes...let me tell you! Well, I did find a dress, not too happy that it too was mostly black, but decided it would do and I would be happy with it. I was happy to know that a lot of the women at the wedding were in black and I did not feel so weird! You always think of black at weddings being a big faux paus [sp?] and I guess it has taken a turn and now is incredibly stylish and classy! Well, the wedding itself was beautiful. It was short, sweet and to the point. They had a very sweet kiss after being presented as husband and wife and Susanna was simply radiant! I was not able to get as many pictures as I wanted, but the few I did get showed their entire happiness that I am sure will only grow better with time! This wedding was on the 39th anniversary of Susanna's parents, Zack and Judy Guess and Aunt Judy was gorgeous! She had a very lovely sleeveless dress on and her hair was beautiful and she was almost as radiant as the bride! Wendy and I stayed at the wedding for a little bit of the reception but had to leave soon after because Wendy's dear husband, my brother Andrew, was keeping Josiah and their daughter Bailey at home for us so we could enjoy the wedding. It was a lot of fun without Josiah, but I would have still gone with him or not! If you are a facebook member, there are tons of wedding pictures out there for you to see, so go check them out! You will be glad you did! I will write more about our trip a little bit later!
Josiah and I rode with our cousin Hannah to Susanna Guess Taylor's wedding on August 23rd. We arrived a few days before the wedding and Josiah and I were able to participate in a few of the goings on of the preparations, then we promptly got out of the way! Josiah and I were able to attend the Bridal Luncheon for Susanna on Thursday afternoon after we arrived. Josiah was not meant to be a guest, but endured dramatically well for his mommy! He was the perfect little gentleman and I was happy to be able to stay for the whole luncheon. If he began to act out, I would have just left and not thought another thing about it, but he was great! All of the ladies there shared with Susanna something memorable about their wedding day and it was fun to sit back and listen to old and new stories and share with Susanna what married life was all about. After the luncheon that day, my sister in law, Wendy came and picked me up and we went shopping for the wedding. I didn't have a dress and I was upset that the only outfit that I had to wear was mostly black in color...it is hard to find plus-size maternity clothes...let me tell you! Well, I did find a dress, not too happy that it too was mostly black, but decided it would do and I would be happy with it. I was happy to know that a lot of the women at the wedding were in black and I did not feel so weird! You always think of black at weddings being a big faux paus [sp?] and I guess it has taken a turn and now is incredibly stylish and classy! Well, the wedding itself was beautiful. It was short, sweet and to the point. They had a very sweet kiss after being presented as husband and wife and Susanna was simply radiant! I was not able to get as many pictures as I wanted, but the few I did get showed their entire happiness that I am sure will only grow better with time! This wedding was on the 39th anniversary of Susanna's parents, Zack and Judy Guess and Aunt Judy was gorgeous! She had a very lovely sleeveless dress on and her hair was beautiful and she was almost as radiant as the bride! Wendy and I stayed at the wedding for a little bit of the reception but had to leave soon after because Wendy's dear husband, my brother Andrew, was keeping Josiah and their daughter Bailey at home for us so we could enjoy the wedding. It was a lot of fun without Josiah, but I would have still gone with him or not! If you are a facebook member, there are tons of wedding pictures out there for you to see, so go check them out! You will be glad you did! I will write more about our trip a little bit later!
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