Monday, March 30, 2009

Potty training is for the birds!

Okay, so I have made a decision...Josiah may be mentally ready for potty training, but he is not physically. I made this decision after 7 attempts of sitting on the potty only rendered Josiah wetting his Elmo underwear within two minutes after each attempt. Congrats to me though! I managed to keep a smile on my face every time he/we cleaned up the floor. After talking to several people and doing a little research, I have decided to put potty training on the back burner when Josiah is able to understand a little more about what actually is going on with that part of his body.

One thing that has been working though is cutting back on using the "buddy". I have been telling him that he is a big boy and doesn't need his buddy. He was getting sleepy today and came up to me, laid his head on my leg and said he needed a baby buddy. Josiah now only sleeps with his buddy at nap and night time. We went a full Sunday service without the buddy, only one trip to the bathroom for some discipline, several pinches and whispers in the ear and we came out on the other side still not giving in and giving him his buddy. The buddy during church has always been my calming mechanism because I worry about him being loud during church, but he is just fine without it! At the end of the closing prayer, when the amen was said, Josiah did tickle everyone when he jumped down out of Daddy's arms and loudly proclaimed: "Run, run, run!!!"

Thanks everyone for your insight and listening. Our next big transition will be no more crib...when did my little boy get so BIG???

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