Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Your laugh for the day

This morning as I was awakened by Josiah's loud bedroom banter, I went to get him out of bed to begin our day. He was soaking wet! Usually we don't do diaper changes until after breakfast, but this one meant a change of clothes immediately. So, I got him undressed and undiapered and realized all of the diapers were downstairs. So, I went and gathered Bethany and directed little naked bird downstairs. I laid Bethany down in her portable crib and decided to throw an egg and some cheese in the microwave for Josiah before sticking his diaper on...after all, it would just take a second, right? So, I am mixing an egg up and from the other room I hear: "Oh, pee-pee! Wow! Pee-pee!", proclaimed proudly. I hustled into the dining room in time to see Josiah leaning over the baby bed while peeing all over Bethany. When I say ALL OVER, I mean ALL OVER! She had it on her head and face, clothes and feet. Now, mind you, Josiah didn't do this on purpose. He was trying to put Bethany's pacifier in her mouth when he just let fly. So, instead of breakfast first thing this morning, we started off with a bath for Bethany. She was a trooper and smiled and cooed at her big brother like he was her best friend in the whole world! This, therefore, is your laugh for the day!


Rebekah Sacran said...

Oh my word!! Life with children aint for everybody! HAha

Kathy said...

Thanks, I needed that!!