Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Weigh In Tuesday

After being T-totally upset with myself and allowing stress to motivate my food choices, last week I was determined to "eat to live, not live to eat". Well, my determination paid off. I had three goals last week:

  • Track everything I ate, every day for the week
  • Get more fruits and vegetables in
  • Exercise at least 5 days out of the week

So, how did I do, you ask? GREAT! The only goal I did not attain was # 3 and it wasn't for lack of trying! I went to the gym 3 days out of the week, but due to my aforementioned knee re-injury, I went two days and could not really do anything! That was really disappointing! So, yesterday I really got back into kicking it at the gym, but my knee is still bothering me. Instead of walking at a high intensity level, I walked longer at a lower intensity level. Still hurt, but not as bad as I could! When we went to weigh in at Weight Watchers this week, I was eagerly anticipating my weigh-in because I knew I did a good job of watching myself this week. I lost 6.2 pounds! I know this is abnormal for 1 week and I don't expect as much the following weeks, but this is great motivation for me, and I believe great motivation for my DH too. My DH is motivation to me and I am glad that I might be able to be some for him! Until next Tuesday, happy exercising!!!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Oh, congratulations! That's great!! Way to go!!!