Friday, March 16, 2012

Pinterest Interest

What's all the buzz about Pinterest do you say? Well, I am the kind of person that LOVES to be crafty. I love to sew, especially bags and little girl's clothes...especially girl's dresses...I also love to be crafty and do kids crafts. I love to try new recipes...the easier the better. BUT, I am terrible about coming up with ideas on my own. If I see something I like, it gives me the idea to go for it. So, when I want to make Bethany a dress, where is the first place I look for an idea [if I am not going to use a pattern]? I look at pinterest. If I want multiple recipe ideas, pinterest is my first stop. What I love about Pinterest is that "it's all there"...I can t ype in "little girl's dresses" and up pops a myriad of choices to look at an get ideas from. I can "pin" things to my wall and go back and look at it later and go back to it whenever I want.

So, a friend posted a challenge of sorts today..."52 Weeks of Pinterest". Basically, the goal is to make or do something you see on Pinterest at least once a week. She had a good point...if you look at pinterest all of the time and never do anything you see, then you are wasting your time, and I agree! So, I will try to write once a week about my pinterest inspired creations. Until then, happy pinning!

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