Saturday, March 10, 2012

Where have I been?

I have been here all the time. I just haven't felt the inspiration or motivation to keep up with our family blog. I feel like *maybe* a little desire is creeping back in for me to work on my blog some more. It has been well over a year since I have posted anything, and I feel like maybe it is time to catch up and start posting again.

So, let me give you a few highlights from 2011:

January 2011 - Bethany had eye surgery for strabismus repair [crossed eyes]. The surgery was wonderful, and even though the DR said that it would not improve Bethany's eyesight, it really has. Her depth perception has increased and she sees better with her new glasses rx and without her glasses even.

February 2011 - Took Josiah to the Circus for his 4th birthday. It was just time for me and him and he had a fabulous time! He talked about it so much that we took him again this year, for his 5th birthday.

March 2011 - We flew kites for the first time with the kids, and we began to explore all of our wonderful parks in and around Roanoke.

April 2011 - Dyed eggs with the kids for the first time. They had a lot of fun!

May 2011 - Visited Amazement Square in Lynchburg. We had a great time of learning and being with friends!

June 2011 - Baby Caroline, our cousin from Memphis came for a visit. She is such a sweetheart.

July 2011 - This was a trying month for us. Josiah was diagnosed with High-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. This threw us for a loop, but it has been so much fun trying to learn how my son's wheels turn and learning how to work with him in ways that will help him. We are blessed to be going through this experience.

August 2011 - Josiah started Pre-K! Wow, I was so nervous to put Josiah on the bus that first day, but since then, Josiah has been dubbed the bus mascot and he LOVES school!

September 2011 - We went to GA for a special wedding. My mom married a wonderful man named Tyson. It was a bittersweet time for all of us, but he is a wonderful man and I am happy for my mom.

October 2011 - We spent several days playing in the rain, watching rainbows, and playing in fallen leaves.

November 2011 - Thanksgiving in VA and in GA - best of both worlds, except Daddy didn't get to go with us to GA :-(

December 2011 - Christmas in VA and in GA - Also, my Granny's husband John passed away, so we went to GA for the funeral.

So, this is just a highlight of 2011 for us. It was a great year, and now I am happy to be in 2012.

So, as I take up blogging again, don't be worried if the posts are few and far between, but I will say this: I want my blog to be glorifying to God, helpful to others and fun. See you at my next post!

1 comment:

lydia said...

Welcome back to blogging! I'm looking forward to reading about the adventures in the Hodges House! And, I love your background! Super cute!