Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Admission of Guilt

Okay, so I have been wearing this one pair of shoes since I have been pregnant. They have been the most comfortable, easy and functional shoes that go with just about everything [and if they didn't go, I didn't care...I am not a shoe person!]. Well, my feet are getting a little more out of shape and swollen and I can't wear those shoes any more and it is getting to cold to wear them, so it is back to the faithful tennis shoes! I put them on this morning and did not draw the laces too tightly because they were already tight enough. I walked around for a few minutes and my feet felt terrible! I couldn't believe how bad my feet were hurting! I got my son out of bed and we walked downstairs and by this time I was hurting so bad I was wincing and trying to decide what to do as I needed to go for a Dr's appt. Well, about that time, I sat down and looked at my shoes. Wouldn't you know, the reason for my pain was something that drove my Dad nuts for years and years when I was little! I put my shoes on the wrong feet! I couldn't believe the stupidity! Well, I fixed my shoes, which by the way, my feet feel much better this morning, and I called my dad, who I knew would get a huge kick out of this. So, when I told Dad about it, he said in the most pitiful and mournful aching voice..."I thought you would NEVER put your shoes on the the right feet and it killed me!". The bad part is, I realized the reason Josiah has been taking his shoes off and bringing them back to me...yes, you guessed it, I have been putting his shoes on the wrong feet. I haven't been doing it every time, but enough that my son doesn't like it! You can call me directionally dyslexic!


Anonymous said...

Y'know, I've seen a lot of kids who actually *prefer* to have their shoes on the wrong foot. My brother John's son Parker is one such. If it were accidental, he would have gotten it right on occasion, but *every stinkin' time* he put his shoes on, he would have them on the wrong feet.

Rebekah Sacran said...


Lisa said...

My Josiah almost always puts his shoes on the wrong feet. When I try to fix them he says, "Cause I like them on the wrong feet!". I let him wear them that way. I figure if he put his own shoes on and wants them that way, what can it hurt?

Of course, people in stores are always informing me that his shoes are on the wrong feet and suggesting that I should change them. Oh, well, that's why I'm his mama and not them! :-)