Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Husband Rocks!

Okay, a few of my friends are doing this and I keep thinking I ought to add this to my blog; then I went to the blog of the person who came up with "My Husband Rocks, Fridays"!, then I felt really motivated to get on board as a way to build my husband up and think about all of the wonderful things he does for me on a CONSTANT basis!

My Husband Rocks, Fridays!

[yes, I know it is Saturday and I am a day behind!]

My husband ROCKS! On a daily basis, after working all night, the first thing he asks me when he wakes up in the afternoons is: "What can I do for you, honey?" Today I have been behind on what seems like everything. Here it is, after 6pm, dinner has almost another hour to cook in the oven, and my wonderful husband said it was okay that we are having dinner a little bit late because he is not all that hungry anyways. So, he packed up a bowlful of grapes and some animal crackers and said, "Why don't I take Josiah to the park for a walk and to play so you can have some time to yourself while dinner is cooking?". Isn't he thoughtful? He is constantly doing things like this for me, and that is just one reason "my husband rocks"!


Christiana said...

Melanie, that is so sweet!! :) Thanks for sharing.

Lepidoptera said...

Your dh is a definite keeper. I keep wondering if he will keep doing this when there are two to take to the park. Probably so. You are richly blessed!