This week has really been "blah" so far. Poor Josiah is cutting all four of his two year molars at the same time, which is making him crankier than ever. The bad part is, the crankier he is, the crankier I am. I have been trying to maintain an upbeat attitude and trying to help Josiah by doing all sorts of things like stopping anything and everything and only spending time with him. Also, I have been going around the house singing all of his favorite songs and letting him watch all of his favorite videos. None of this is working! He has been following me around the house begging for "gook" [milk!] all day long. I generally give him about 20-24 ozs of milk a day with water mixed in between. He has been screaming and throwing his cup when I give him water or when I tell him that he can not have any milk. So, the scenario is something like this:
Josiah: "Need gook, momma! Pease! Need gook, now. Oh momma, need some gook? Just a little gook, pease?"
Momma: "Honey, you just had milk and you can not have any more right now [at which point he starts screaming and stomping his feet, and perfecting the sign for "please"]."
Josiah then carries on his hissy fit, is warned that he needs to stop and obey mommy, at which point he doesn't, then is therefore disciplined.
This is the viscious cycle we have been through the entire day for the past two days, only occasionally he will substitute the phrase "I'm so hungy, momma!", instead of "gook". This has been the way my last two days have gone...the entire day! Okay, so I ask myself, is this just molar problems, or is this the infamous terrible twos coming to haunt me? I am so stressed out!
Meanwhile, little Bethany is just taking it all in stride. The only thing going on with the little sugar is a pretty bad case of thrush. Poor thing, her mouth looks terrible and she has these terrible white blisters all over the outside and inside of her little lips! She doesn't complain much, though, but doesn't want to nurse much either.
On the up side, even thought Josiah has been having a couple of really bad days, he has shown me that he is a great big brother and that he is going to be really sweet to his little sister most of the time. Most of the day, little Bethany is either in my arms, in her portable crib on the floor or in her portable swing on the floor. She was crying this morning in her crib, and I was on the phone with the insurance company, and I saw Josiah get down on his knees beside her bed and take her hand and say, "Let's pray!", then he has proceeded to say a few uncomprehendable words, then a hearty amen. Another time he was down on the floor by her bed and he was saying, "Oh, baby! Are you hungy? It's okay, don't cry.". This warmed my heart. Josiah also has asked several times, "Can I hold her?", and has helped me pat her back to burp her. He often tells her he loves her and kisses her a lot. He also loves to share his toys with her, but she is not too fond of this yet! :-)
Well, I guess I am just venting and always feels good to write things down and get them off your mind. If you think of us, please pray that this new way of handling our days may be brighter int he future!
I'm all comment-y today. I have enjoyed reading your blog from time to time. The terrible twos definitely aren't a myth, but I've never let any stage be an excuse for my children to misbehave, either. I mean, they certainly do, but I never excuse it.
I think you have to find something that works for him. I always talked to my children as if they were adults. Maybe sit down and tell him that you know he feels bad, and that you want to help him feel better, but that he can't scream at you and pitch a fit.
Hollie used these chewable teething things. It looked like baby aspirin, but it wasn't. You might ask her about it. I remember it helping her kids. Also, really, really cold things tend to help teething. There are 100% fruit juice pops that you could buy, and reward him if he's good. Tell him that you know he feels bad, and if he's good, then he gets a treat. Not only will it give him a goal, but the cool of the ice pop will help his teeth (like an ice pack). Also, because they are made from fruit juice, you don't have to feel guilty. =)
Oh, and so I don't have to leave ANOTHER message, I am praying for your mom.
Cold yogurt and applesauce always worked for our children when they were teething. That and baby Tylenol. Cutting teeth is miserable, but this too shall pass. Praying for you that it won't be long until your days will be brighter and J's molars will all be in!
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