Thursday, January 22, 2009

Menu Planning

I declare this week of menu plans to be:
So, I do my menu planning on a bit of a different schedule than most. Most people work Monday-Sunday, or beginning of the week to the end, but I usually go from Friday-Thursday and do all of my grocery shopping on Thursdays. I do my shopping on Thursdays because Danny is off of work, and I actually like going to the grocery store with him. We make a great team! Plus, I hate going by myself, and there is not enough money in this country that you could pay me to go alone but with my two kids. We would do without before that happened! Danny sent me a cool website about a week or so ago and it had hundreds and hundreds of crockpot recipes. The website is . I have gone through a lot of the recipes and printed some out and here are the recipes I will be trying this week - all in the crockpot!!!
Brown Rice
Creamed Spinach
Sunday: We declare this bi-weekly fend for yourself dinner
Monday: Chicken Breasts Supreme:
Parmesan Broccoli
Tuesday: We always go out to eat after weigh-in
Wednesday: Yankee Pot Roast and Vegetables:
Thursday: We declare this bi-weekly fend for yourself dinner
We have two days a week where we fend for ourselves for dinner because our schedules clash. Danny works overnight and sleeps late on Sundays and Thursdays because of work, so we can't have dinner at the same time.
So there you have it! I have never made crockpot meals every day for a week, but I hope this proves to be a very time-saving endeavor...I'll let you know!


Rebekah Sacran said...

Yum! I'll be looking forward to seeing the post about the results!

(The verification word I have to type is suppa. Pretty appropriate for this post! :) )

Lepidoptera said...

I like the declaration part and am all for the creamed spinach. Comfort food - yum, yum!